In this blog we look at foods containing high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin. These are nutrients that collect at the macula, protecting the eye from macula damage.
Ongoing research has been investigating risk factors for Macula Degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in the developed world. Currently, in most cases, it is untreatable and can lead to a devastating loss of vision and independence. The main risk factors are family history, smoking, UV exposure and nutrition.
There is much debate about dietary supplements and in which situations these might be useful in preventing macula degeneration. There is not a one size fits all answer to this, so please book an appointment to talk to us about dietary supplements if you are interested. For all of us, though, there are some foods that are particularly good for our macula health because they contain zeaxanthin and lutein. These are nutrients that collect at the macula, protecting the eye from macula damage. It is important to get these from our diet as they protect the macula and cant be manufactured by our bodies.