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This week we have been sharing the Vision Matters simple six point plan for reducing your risk of sight loss. Here are the last two:

5. Cover up. Exposure to UV light increases your risk of developing cataracts and macular degeneration. According to the World Health Organisation UV damage is the biggest modifiable risk factor of cataract development.  Always wear sunglasses when the UV index rises above three, even on a cloudy day.

Check your sunglasses filter AT LEAST 99 per cent of UVA and UVB light and look out for a CE UV 400 or BS EN 1836:2005 mark when choosing your sunglasses to be sure they provide adequate protection.

6. Be screen smart. On average we spend a staggering 35 hours a week staring at a computer screen so it’s no surprise that 90 per cent of us say we experience screen fatigue – tired or irritated eyes, blurred vision, headaches and poor colour perception.

Give your eyes a break by looking away from your screen every 20 minutes and focusing on something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

Please contact us if you want to know how to reduce your chances of sight loss.

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